The BQX Trolley Car Is Here, So This Line Is Getting Built Regardless


Brooklyn, New York

A day after the same newspaper reported that the ground transit line was going absolutely nowhere, this thing arrived from France.

Despite an outright vehement rejection from the communities of Queens and Brooklyn, civic and economic experts, and frustrated drivers on the streets where this thing will pass through, this thing and the low-ball estimate 2.5 billion dollar plan that will fuck up these areas for the next half decade or maybe more is obviously being greenlighted no matter what. This must be part of the mandate the mayor was talking about.

This thing is happening even though there was a short film that thoroughly pointed out the negative ramifications on the citizenry and businesses, and stupidity of this unnecessary service, which can be less costly supplanted by providing more buses and more cops to direct traffic at the busiest intersections.


Even though the stupid mayor with his stupid feud with Cuomo and Albany will not get this support or funding, stemming surely from the city and state rescue plan the Day Mayor doesn’t want to be involved with. Mostly this stupid collective of minstrels, these friends of the BQX, doing the bidding of predatory developers that want this pretty joyride are not going to stop pushing this because they wasted so much money promoting it and so much money buying city hall to get it on the E.D.C.’s agenda.

This is getting built no matter what. This is getting built at the expense of the daily deteriorating service and infrastructure of the transit system, including the city buses. This is getting built without any projections on how the trolley is going to run or even the effect on the environment of the towns, roads and even highways that the next 5 years or more of construction it’s going to cause. This is being built despite it being on flood zones because of rising sea levels caused by the continuing extreme effects of climate change (I thought these progressive folk where believers of this topic). And there will probably take a new bridge to build also or modernization of the Pulaski Bridge, for this line traverses a creek on the border of the boroughs.

This is being built because real estate owns this city and they own the fauxgressive mayor and city council. Thanks to de Faustio and the apathy, cynicism, ignorance and fear from the voting public.

This shit is being built regardless of what you want, don’t want and what you think. This will probably be officially announced without notice like the city does with homeless shelters or even a four month public art installation.

This thing is nothing but another marketing toy for the Gentrification Industrial Complex. Including the lame ferry and road shrinking bike lanes.

Hopefully, and there is a scant amount of hope these days, this will get struck down hard because of the aforementioned rejection by the areas’ residency and of course by the vindictive governor, which strange enough both happen to be right in this. Unfortunately more money, millions of it, is going to pissed away studying this as it was last year in addition of doing outreach and advertising in free borough weekly papers.

It doesn’t mean that the frugal citizenry concerned have to stop condemning it though. Even though this boondoggle couldn’t be nipped at the bud, there is still the power of words to stop this bullshit from happening.

And even video snippets to convey the general sentiment about that trolley lying in wait at the Brooklyn Navy Yard:

Fuck the BQX. Fix the fucking subway and improve bus service NOW!


The board chairwoman of the Friends of the BQX (and the enemies of the citizenry and efficient transit) is Jessica Schumer, daughter of hack Senate Minority Leader (and minor person) N.Y. Senator Chuck Schumer.

Another update:

The planners, friends, or whatever the fuck they are have cut the route in half and will no longer go to Sunset Park. Looks like the Gentrification Industrial Complex no longer sees any crass affordable luxury tower overdevelopment potential for the working class area.




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